

Mesh:up helps teams to reduce disconnectedness by generating sensible team pairings for, e.g., coffee meetups.

Usage: Add the members of your team and, optionally, adjust the connectedness matrix to reflect how well connected the members already are.
Connection strengths can be adjusted by clicking on the individual cells. The icon in the top left indicates whether the click will produce an increment (+) or a decrement (-). Modes can be toggled by clicking on the icon. Mesh:up seeks to match those together who are most disconnected (= low connection strength), while favoring an optimal solution for the whole group.
Last, the pairing generator needs to be configured for the desired group size and run. An heuristically optimal solution will be presented and visualized in the graph view.

Limitations: Please note that, as of now, group sizes are not always upheld in favor of overall optimality. Hence, groups of 1 or, in general, deviations from the desired group size might occurr.

Team Members

Member Name

Team Connectedness

More team members required.

Pairing Generator

You need to enter more team members to generate meaningful pairings.

Team Graph

More team members required.